


Self-employed program is a suitable stop program for people who have at least two years of self-employment experience in the past five years in cultural, artistic or sports fields such as athletics (internationally) or have farm management experience. To be.

To be eligible, an applicant must have sufficient financial potential to start their own business and meet the basic needs of themselves and their family. In addition, one must show that one’s presence in Canada is reasonably effective in Canadian economic activity.

Work experience conditions

Two years of experience in self-employment or world-class cultural or sports activities in the last five years

Self-employed jobs eligible for self-employment immigration program:

  • Authors
  • Creative and innovative artists
  • Musicians
  • Painter
  • Sculptor and visual arts
  • Specialist in animation technical affairs
  • Handicrafts
  • Creative designers

 Scoring self-employment immigration to Canada

The minimum score required to qualify for this program is 35 points. Please note that having 35 points does not mean that you will be granted a visa.

  • Education 25 points
  • Age 10 points
  • Work experience 35 points
  • Ability in English or French skills 24 points
  • Adaptability 6 points

If you are interested in migrating through your self-employment method, you can contact our experts or fill out a free evaluation form. Our experts will contact you for further action.

Evaluation Free