
Cost of living in Canada

Cost of living in Canada

In general, the cost of living in Canada varies according to various factors such as: city of residence, neighborhood and lifestyle. Some of these approximate monthly expenses (in Canadian dollars) are:

Housing rent: (variable based on city and neighborhood)

Rooms:                                                     400 – 1500
Suite – One bedroom apartment:              850 – 2500
Two bedroom apartments:                        1200 – 4000

Telephone and mobile internet:                 50 – 80

Home Internet:                                          50 – 100

Public transport:                                        100 – 180

Feed (per person):                                    200-400

Thus, the cost of living for a family of two can vary between $ 2,000 and $ 4,000. Or for a family of three, the cost of living in Canada would be around $ 2,500 and in the free mode, with a little extravagance, it would be around $ 5,000. Given Canada’s average income, these amounts are quite reasonable and would put little pressure on the family.

It should be noted that the Government of Canada provides a grant called Child Care Benefit to those families who are permanent residents of Canada or are citizens of Canada and have children aged 0-18. This would be between $ 300 and $ 500, which could have a small effect on the cost of living for a family in Canada.